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Walking in Two Worlds: The Relational Self in Theory, Practice, and Community

Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D. and Dvorah Simon, Ph.D., Editors

Self-Relations Therapy is, in part, a synthesis of theory and practice from various prior traditions. However, the approach is more than an amalgam of ideas; rather, SR offers a meta-framework in which multiplicity of form, meaning, presence, and so on can be contained within an actively adaptive, aware, and present relational self. Editors Stephen Gilligan and Dvorah Simon have gathered in a mosaic of content and communication to explain the perspective and to show how it can be applied across contexts. Divided into five broad sections The Self-Relations Approach, Applications of Self-Relations, Self-Relations and Spiritual Paths, Dimensions of Self-Relations, Self-Relations and Expressive and Somatic Approaches the book can be dipped into or read from beginning to end. Like a rich and colorful mosaic, the material can inspire or invoke whether you come in very close to follow specific themes or you stand back to take in the whole.

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